Hi! My name is Callum – I’m a Creator, Lawyer, Patent Agent, Photographer, Timelapse Enthusiast, and I studied Engineering.
Ever since my first disposable camera as a child, I have been interested in photography. The ability to capture a moment as a visual representation of my experience is nostalgic, inducing emotions and fond memories for years to come.
With a background in engineering, my training has inherently helped me understand the technical side of photography and composition; perhaps providing me with a more unique perspective on the way I see the world.
I first began travelling with my family by visiting resorts in Mexico and Cuba. While the resorts were fun, I found leaving the resort to experience the culture and history of the locations to be much more fascinating. My love of travel was solidified when I took trips to Peru and Iceland, having an amazing time hiking and seeing things I had never seen before.
My interest in photography really took off when I lived in Amsterdam for an exchange program in my third year of law school. For this experience, I bought my first mirrorless camera and had an opportunity to really grow as a photographer. Over the course of ~5 months, I visited 20 countries in Europe, gaining a better understanding of the world through the exploration of many different landscapes and cultures.
I think more than any other place, Africa has helped define me as a person and photographer. I spent 3 months travelling from Namibia to East Africa to Madagascar, experiencing a wide variety of African landscape, wildlife, and culture.
I love travelling because it constantly challenges my world view. Every experience has a new aspect to it, causing me to re-evaluate my own life and see how it compares to others around the world. Travelling the world has helped humble me by giving me more appreciation for things I once took for granted.
To learn more about my journey with photography, please check out this article where I was interviewed by Nomadict.
As of 2023, I have quit my job as a lawyer and patent agent and am working full time as a creator. If you would like to learn more about my journey as a creator, take a look at my Recalibrating Newsletter.
Thanks for sharing the world with me,