A story of rediscovering a half-remembered dream ✨

About the Collection
Begin, Again is a story of rediscovery that transcends time. A story that ties a half-remembered dream to one of the most incredible moments of my life in a way that has forever changed the exploration of my future.
Begin, Again is a story of hope in a better future, of becoming a better version of ourselves by taking the time to pay attention to our lives in a way that promotes positive mental health and acceptance of who we were, are, and can be.
To begin again, we need only take a deep breath, exhale, and try.
About the Animation
I mean that literally. We have begun to lose the ability to breathe properly. Not just me, almost everyone. Through email apnea, sedentary lifestyles, and an inability to regulate our attention and stop scrolling, we breathe too quickly or not at all. This poor breathing turns into a habit, leading to increased time spent in stress states, making it harder and harder to deliberately pay attention.
I have set the pulse of this story to be tied to the breath, acting as a guide to slow your breathing while focusing on the emotion I have described in each video. By breathing out several times, ideally 5, you may have taken the first true pause of your day. The frequency of pulse is 5.5 breaths per minute (BPM). Each video is 11 seconds long, enough time for one inhale and one exhale. This rate has been shown to help reduce anxiety and relax people. I hope this experience can add a measure of calm to your day, allowing you to begin again on whatever it is you would like to do.
About the Art
Much like the recollection of a half-remembered dream, each work includes a piece of the overall story of my journey of rediscovery.
I have included a snippet of the story below, but I encourage you to read the full story for each piece on its @foundation page.
I would love to hear your thoughts ✨
Begin, Again
The impermanence of time is recognizable when we look to the past to view what has changed, to the future for hope on what may come, and to the present to truly experience each instant of this precious commodity. Time does not only move forwards; at any instant, we can look back through time to remind us of why we move forward. Each moment is an opportunity to look back at the awes of our life and reflect on how to bring that wonder to our present and future. Each moment is an opportunity to begin, again.
I hope that this collection can inspire you to rediscover your dreams, not getting caught up in where you are now, but instead reminding you of what you always hoped for.
More Art
Renewal is the next chapter in Wanderloots Collections, continue the story here.