The natural colours of the world never cease to amaze me. My love for nature inspired me to start taking photos. I find landscape photography especially interesting because of how unpredictable it can be. You can take the same composition on back-to-back days and have a completely different experience. Landscapes are completely redefined by the lighting and weather at any given moment, making it a challenge to try and capture the emotion as you experience it. Whenever I travel to new places, I try to find a good spot to watch the sun rise and set.
Having grown up in a relatively flat Ontario, I particularly enjoy mountainous landscapes. The perseverance required to hike a mountain to get “the shot” makes the final product that much more rewarding. Immersing myself in nature is a great way to take a break from the pressures of everyday life, allowing me to lose myself in hiking and photography. There’s something special about having nothing around you but nature, allowing more time for self-reflection and relaxation.