What is the Now?

Now is a concept that seems easy to describe, but when you look deeper, the meaning seems to shift. Mindfulness is often an exploration of the present, being in the now, but what does that actually mean?

Perhaps the now is a state between the past and the future, forming the present. The present is often thought as a moment of time, so is now only an instant? How long is β€œnow”?

If I am in a continual state of flow, of engaged experience, the now seems to stretch into much longer than an instant. Time appears relative to the type of engagement I am having, more about the continued state of a particular style of experience than how long I am in it.

To find flow and engage with life, be in the now, there needs to be both a mental and a physical awareness, physically in the moment and mentally experiencing it.

It’s interesting how such a simple word can have so much confusion. There is also a great depth of meaning; much of meditation and mindfulness across history involves a pursuit of the now.

Perhaps to find the now, we must merely find more ways to engage meaningfully with the present. Try to find awareness of the mind and body, balancing between the two so we are not pulled back to the past or reaching forward to the future.

The more I find the now, the present, and experience the moment, the deeper each flow becomes. Each moment is unique and there is value in finding awareness of experience as often as possible, stretching my understanding of time.

What helps you stay present to be in the now?

If you found this helpful or interesting, I would love to hear your thoughts! The more we learn how this practice helps each of us, the more we can collectively improve. Please feel free to leave questions or comments below.

Continue reading about the nature of now with: the Flow of This.

Find the full list of mindful thoughts here.

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