Wildlife photography is a relatively new addition to my repertoire. In the past, I focused more on landscape photography, mostly due to my traveling to places with less of a wildlife presence. I think that my background as a landscape photographer has helped me to see the bigger picture when shifting to wildlife photography. Initially, I focused on taking photos of animals in their natural habitats, trying to show people context to the life of an animal. Gradually, I worked at improving my wildlife portrait skills, and I now enjoy taking a mix of wide-angle and portrait shots of wildlife.
Wildlife photography presents a much different challenge than landscape in that not only does the lighting, location, and angle need to be present for a good shot, but you also have to rely on the cooperation of the animal. Even if the situation is perfect, the animal may decide to turn their back on you, fly away, or dive below the water. The unpredictability of wildlife photography merely adds to the excitement and challenge of trying to capture the perfect moment.