Welcome to Worldbuilding, a new storyline in the Recalibrating journey.
The main storyline of Recalibrating is a journey of finding our selves while exploring what it means to be human, as we move forward into a perpetually uncertain future.
Worldbuilding is less about the theory and more about the practice. More doing, less thinking.
What does it mean to construct a world for ourselves in both the physical and digital realm? How can we build our routines and rituals to maximize the potential of our self?
This entry is the first and only full free entry. The rest of the entries will be paywalled partway through, with a free portion and a paid portion available only to my paying subscribers (my True Fans ✨). My goal is to provide as much value as possible in the free portion (still worth a read), but reserve the more practical advice for my members.
The paid subscription also includes access to a private chat (coming soon) where I’ll post short prompts, thoughts, and tech updates that come my way, and you can jump into the discussion. A digital campfire if you will. This private chat is also a place where you can ask me questions so I can help you with your journey.
If you are interested in learning how to build a sustainable creation system, craft your digital identity and digital mind (second brain), and leverage the power of artificial intelligence, then you are in the right place.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, I can’t wait to get started ✨

To understand more about what it means to “build a world”, I have provided some personal context of my own journey with Recalibrating and my predictions on where technology is headed in the near future:
For the last 15-30 years, the world has been accelerating at a faster and faster pace. The Information Age.
The volume of information is constantly increasing.
The speed of technological development is exploding.

Trying to keep up with this information and innovation overload leaves people feeling anxious, burnt out, and overwhelmed.
People are left questioning “How can I stay on top of everything, everywhere, all at once?”
There has to be a better way.
With a background in mechanical and materials science engineering and as a lawyer, patent agent, intellectual property and blockchain specialist, I have been ingesting massive amounts of information for many years.
I have learned to keep up with the rapidly increasing pace of information and innovation, extracting only the most valuable pieces to shape my worldview. Building a filter for myself.
Upon finishing school, I trained as an intellectual property lawyer and patent agent for 5+ years.
Unfortunately, this burnt me out. I was exhausted at the pace of the corporate world, both too fast and too slow at the same time. Hurry up and wait is not a model I find sustainable.
I knew there had to be a better way.
So, I quit my job this past summer and began building my better way.
However, I knew that I did not want to build this better way alone.
I knew I was not the only one experiencing burnout, anxiety, and overwhelm.
Over the last few years, one of the most consistent conversations I’ve had with others is that they are as burnt out as me.
I decided to begin building with my free newsletter: Recalibrating. A resource for everyone.

Recalibrating provides an operating manual of sorts, a compass that gives greater context to the inner workings of the world and ourselves. The theory that supports my new world. A world without burnout.
However, my studies as an engineer, lawyer, and patent agent has come at a cost, literally. Post-secondary education and certifications are extremely expensive.
While I would love to give away all of my knowledge for free, at this time, that is not a sustainable model for me.
Instead, I provide certain information for free through my weekly newsletter, saving the most timely, practical, and valuable information for my paid subscribers.
My True Fans in the Creator Economy.
The Creator Economy?
Thanks to the Internet, I don’t have to choose between easily sharable free and paid content. I can share both free and paid content simultaneously.
The Internet changed everything. Mass amounts of information can be communicated instantly across the world.

I have spent countless hours researching new technologies and even more learning how to apply these technologies to my own life so I can better prepare for the future. A future filled with AI and rapidly changing technology.
But with all of this instantaneous power, I had to decide: what is the right information to share with you?
I am excellent at capturing the right information. My entire life, I have been carefully crafting my filtration system to process the information and purge the noise. I have been training my intuition.
As a creator, artist, photographer, animator, and videographer, I have learned how to present this useful information in a way that captures its signal without drowning in the noise.
Pairing curation and creation together generates the perfect blend of understanding the world while building it.
Upgrading to a paid subscription does more than support me in my pursuit of burnoutless business, you are also believing in yourself, investing in your own future. Building your own compass.
That is the most important part of this whole experiment: development of the self. Building your world. Not mine. Not anyone else’s.
Behind the paywall, I discuss the many ways I am building my world as a creator, while also letting you in to take a look around to see the work in progress.
Behind the paywall, I go deeper into the theory of my world, while also giving practical suggestions on how to build your own world.
This world can be anything you want. That is the magic of modern technology, the Internet, and artificial intelligence.
It can be a private world, a safe and quiet place for revisiting memories. A source of stillness for reflection. A garden to plant the seeds of your ideas and watch them grow.
It can be a public world, a place to connect with others over shared interests to foster an international community and develop your skills more rapidly than ever before.
It can be a commercialized world, a place to grow your ideas into passive or active income streams that supplements your full-time job, or supplants it 👀
Leverage the power of modern technology to offload your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge into a system that allows them to flourish with the help of artificial intelligence.
Create a second brain that does the boring machinations of modern life while allowing you to pursue your own humanity. A digital mind that helps you find the tune of yourself and build the life you have always dreamed of.

I invite you to join me in my pursuit of bettering my life in every way possible, building a better world for myself and others.
I invite you to build your own world at the same time, connecting with like-minded people around the globe as you pursue what it means to truly be you.
🌎 Welcome to Worldbuilding ✨